The Journey of Boksu: A Stray Dog with a Giant Belly Finds a New Family
In a small town, a stray dog with an unusually swollen belly caught the attention of locals. The dog, later named Boksu, roamed the streets with a belly so large it seemed as if it might burst. Initially, residents thought he was a pregnant female, but they quickly realized that Boksu was actually a male dog suffering from an unexplained condition.
For six long months, Boksu carried this enormous belly. Neighbors, moved by his situation, began to leave food and water for him. One local woman, in particular, became his main source of care, ensuring he had what he needed to survive. Every morning, Boksu would follow her as she left for work, only to sit and wait patiently for her return.
Boksu’s swollen belly made it difficult for him to rest comfortably. Unable to lie down due to the size of his abdomen, he would take naps sitting up, finding whatever peace he could in his quiet corner of the town.
Eventually, the woman who had cared for Boksu realized she and her neighbors would soon have to move due to redevelopment plans. Concerned for his future, she knew it was time to take action to get Boksu the help he desperately needed.
A Life-Saving Rescue Mission
With the help of a local animal rescue team, Boksu was taken to a veterinary hospital. His rescuers approached him cautiously, but Boksu’s calm demeanor made the process smooth and successful. At the vet, his weight was recorded at a staggering 38.3 kg, nearly double the expected weight for a dog of his size.
Tests revealed that Boksu’s abdomen was filled with fluid, causing his organs to float within his body. The team began draining the fluid and was astonished by the volume: over 18 kg of fluid was removed in a three-hour procedure. The cause of the fluid buildup was attributed to heartworms and a congenital heart condition that had worsened over time.
A New Beginning for Boksu
After surgery, Boksu’s belly returned to a normal size. Although his heart condition would require ongoing treatment, Boksu was finally free from the burden he had carried for months. And in a beautiful twist, the woman who had cared for him from the beginning decided to officially adopt him. She knew he would have a better life with her, receiving the care and love he needed.
Now, Boksu has found a family to call his own. No longer a stray, he is beginning a new chapter filled with love, comfort, and companionship. We wish him all the best in his new life and a future full of joy and good health!
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